Tutorials & Guides

Step by Step Guide to Reach the Moon


This guide has been copied and modified with Wagyuswap's @ChefWhite's permission for AstroSwap needs.

For video version of this guide click here. Credits to Crypto Jumpstart.

Before you start, please note that Swapz is going to airdrop you a small amount of VLX after you go through the ASTRO bridging process. If you still need extra VLX on your Velas Network connected Metamask, proceed with the guide.

Question: Astronaut, why would I want to bridge ASTRO to Metamask Velas Network?

Answer: By bridging ASTRO tokens to Velas network you unlock many possibilities which you'd otherwise not be exposed to on Binance Smart Chain network, such as farming and staking on AstroSwap. If your goal is just to HODL, you don't have to do any transfers to Metamask Velas Network.

This guide assumes that you already hold ASTRO tokens in your Binance Smart Chain connected Metamask (if not, buy here), together with at least 0.021 BNB which will be used as a cross-chain fee during bridging process.

Please note, with Swapz mentioned in the guide, you can also bridge VLX. Revolutionary thing we're doing is that with every bridging transaction you're going to be doing on Swapz, VelasPad or MultiChain Labs bridge to Velas, you'll receive 1 VLX, which essentially means you'll be trading without gas fees.

So let's start!

    1. Go to https://tokenmagic.app/#/ , connect your wallet and go to the first tab called "Chains". Click "ADD" next to Velas and confirm the adding of Velas Network inside your Metamask wallet window.

    2. Open your Metamask wallet, click on the "Assets", scroll down the bottom, click on "Import tokens" and copy paste 0x72eb7ca07399ec402c5b7aa6a65752b6a1dc0c27 contract inside the first field, that should autofill the rest 2 fields. Now click "Add Custom Token". That will make the token visible inside your wallet. Repeat this step on both BSC network and Velas network inside your Metamask wallet.

    3. Let's start the ASTRO bridging process. Go to https://swapz.app/ and click "LAUNCH APP" on the top right of the website, this will bring you to a new page where the bridging process happens.

    4. On top, make sure the "Swap" is picked. Now you'll see two squares. Click on them and set them so the left side says "BSC" and the right side "Velas". It should essentially say BSC > Velas. That means you're bridging from BSC network to Velas network.

    5. Under "BSC" square, click on "BUSD" and change it to "ASTRO". Manually input the amount of tokens you want to bridge to the right and press "SWAP".

    6. Next interface will open. On the bottom click the red button which says "Allow to Swap". Confirm the action in your Metamask by paying 0.00045 BNB.

    7. Once that action ends, a new red button saying "Swap" will show up. Click on it and confirm the action once again in Metamask by paying 0.02 BNB Cross-chain fee.

    8. The bridging process will initiate which will require about 60-90 seconds of your patience. You'll see 2 loading bars, one after another. If you experience any kind of problem at this stage and bridging gets stuck, contact the Swapz support and send them the transaction ID here.

    9. Once both bars get to 100% you'll see the confirmation that your tokens have been successfully bridged to Velas Network. You should be seeing them in your Metamask when it's connected to Velas Network.

    For bridging back to Binance Smart Chain, just repeat the whole SWAPZ step, but turn the squares in step 4 around so they say Velas > BSC. The cross-chain fee is 45 VLX.

    Now you're all ready to farm and stake your ASTRO once the DEX drops!

    Hope that this guide helps!

    Please note that we are not responsible for any loss of funds.


This guide has been copied and modified with Wagyuswap's @ChefWhite's permission for AstroSwap needs.

For video version of this guide click here. Credits to Crypto Jumpstart.

Revolutionary thing we're doing is that with every bridging transaction you're going to be doing on Swapz, VelasPad or MultiChain Labs bridge to Velas, you'll receive 1 VLX, this essentially makes our DEX use gasless. If you still need extra VLX on your Velas Network connected Metamask, proceed with the guide.

Question: Astronaut, why would I want to bridge VLX to Metamask Velas Network?

Answer: If your goal is to stake or do any sort of trades / farming on the AstroSwap, you're going to need VLX inside your Metamask Velas wallet. VLX is used as a gas in the same way PancakeSwap uses BNB as a gas on their exchange for example. If your goal is just to HODL, you don't have to do any transfers to Metamask Velas Network.

This guide assumes that you already have some BNB and VLX inside your Metamask wallet (if not, buy here: BNB, VLX, that is connected to Binance Smart Chain network.

So let's start!

  1. If you haven't yet added Velas network to Metamask, go to https://tokenmagic.app/#/ , connect your wallet and go to the first tab called "Chains". Click "ADD" next to Velas and confirm the adding of Velas Network inside your Metamask wallet window. You don't need to add any contract for VLX to Velas network since it's network's base token (shows automatically under Velas network).

  2. Create a Velas Wallet on this link: https://wallet.velas.com/ and follow the instructions.

  3. Once you're inside Velas Wallet, click on a notebook and pen icon to the right side of the search bar.

  4. Scroll down to "BSC Network" section and click + sign next to "Binance Coin" and "Velas BEP-20". This will add both "BNB" and "VLX BEP-20" version of the token to the "BSC Network" section of your Velas Wallet.

  5. Click on "Binance Coin" inside your Velas Wallet and click on receive button on the right side. Copy that address.

  6. Go to your Metamask and send AT LEAST 0.006 BNB to your Velas Wallet (actual fee is 0.005 BNB but it never hurts to have a bit more does it?). This BNB inside your Velas Wallet will be used to pay for the bridging fee of your VLX from the BSC Network side of the Velas Wallet, to the Velas Network side of the wallet.

  7. Return to your Metamask and send your "VLX" to the same address that you've sent your "BNB" to.

  8. Now you'll notice that you have both "Velas BEP-20" and "Binance Coin" inside your Velas wallet.

  9. Click on "Velas BEP-20", on the right side click "SWAP". This will open a new interface. Under "Choose Network" it should say "Velas EVM (VLX)". All you have to do here is input the amount of VLX you want to send to the Velas Network side of your wallet. Click "SWAP" to confirm the action. That will also use your "BNB - Binance Coin" as a bridging fee.

  10. After 10-20 seconds you'll notice that your VLX is now in "Velas EVM", right under the "Velas Network" section of the wallet.

  11. Go to your Metamask and switch it to Velas Network. Copy the address of your Metamask Wallet.

  12. Go back to your Velas Wallet, click on "Velas EVM". On the right side click on the "Send" button. This will again open a new interface. Copy your Metamask address into the "To" section. Input the amount of VLX you'd like to send to your Metamask and click "SEND". Fee is just 0.003 VLX because Velas Network is just awesome like that.

  13. Your "VLX" will now arrive to your Metamask wallet almost instantly.

You can now use any function you'd like on AstroSwap once it releases.

Hope that this guide helps!

Please note that we are not responsible for any loss of funds.

Last updated